“Megalopolis,” the new film by Francis Ford Coppola, is currently showing at the Multisala King in Lonato until Tuesday, the 22nd, and at the Oz and Moretto multiplexes in Brescia until Wednesday, the 23rd. The plot revolves around Julia Cicero, a young socialite in love with the visionary architect Cesar Catilina, who has invented a revolutionary material to build a city of the future, facing opposition from Julia’s father and threats from his enemies.
The film has received mixed reactions, presenting a blend of dreamlike elements and reflections on contemporary society. Adam Driver plays the lead role with charisma, alongside Nathalie Emmanuel in a cast that features well-known faces like Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman. With a runtime of 138 minutes, “Megalopolis” explores complex themes such as time, architecture, and modern society through a visually rich and symbolic narrative.
Italian Version