Costermano has recently sparked a heated debate regarding the increase in the tourist tax, approved by the municipality through a resolution. This decision has raised concerns among industry operators, particularly from Federalberghi Garda Veneto and the Hoteliers’ Association, who lament the lack of dialogue prior to the implementation of the increase. Ivan De Beni, president of Federalberghi, emphasized that the hike could reduce the budget available for tourists, negatively impacting local spending in restaurants and shops.
In response to the criticism, Mayor Stefano Passarini defended the decision, stating that the tax is essential for funding public services such as cleaning and security. The presidents of Confcommercio Verona also acknowledged the economic difficulties faced by local administrations but warned that the burden cannot be placed solely on the hospitality sector. Reactions to the increase in the tourist tax thus highlight a growing concern regarding its potential impact on tourism and the economy in Costermano.