Lonato kicks off its Christmas events program starting from December 2nd, featuring a rich calendar of initiatives that encompass the entire area. The Municipality has presented a series of activities aimed at engaging citizens of all ages, from exhibitions to creative workshops, as well as numerous Christmas concerts. The Councillor for Culture, Tourism, and Events, Mariangela Musci, emphasized the importance of music in the calendar, highlighting concerts that range from classical music to gospel songs and Christmas choirs, creating a warm and festive atmosphere.
The festivities will also be enhanced by the presence of food trucks in Piazza Martiri della Libertà from December 20th to 22nd, while on December 22nd, there will be a magic show and stilt walkers. The program will continue beyond Christmas with events such as the gospel concert on January 1st at the Basilica of S. Giovanni Battista and various theatrical performances for children in January. Among the highlights will be concerts by the Lonato del Garda Musical Corps and the Arcangelo da Lonato Choir on December 21st and December 26th, respectively. Mayor Roberto Tardani invites everyone to participate in these celebrations in a spirit of sharing and joy.